Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lift As You Climb

A few years ago, I took part in a community programme organized by the church.
It was about understanding poverty in this city and trying to help.
I remember visiting families with all sort of problems; mental problems, jobless, poverty. etc etc.
It was life-changing in some ways; because I didn't know how difficult life could be, at least not with my own eyes.
Life is very difficult, so difficult that the word 'difficult' is an understatement.

I remember a boy who was the same age as my young brother.
He said his favorite place was the library because there is air-conditioning, proper lighting and plenty of books.
And he said library kept him away from the street kids.
We bought the family basic necessities and some stationary for the boy.
He didn't know how to use a correction tape because he never owned one.
He have never been to Tsim Sha Tsui and the Central because he couldn't afford the transportation cost as he lives in Tuen Mun.
He asked me what was my feeling that I'm about to enter university back then.
He wanted to be a scientist. But he felt like going to college is a near impossible dream for him.

I couldn't describe the feeling I had back then/ when I recall those conversations.
Like my heart became too heavy to beat. It really hurts. It breaks my heart.
It breaks my heart to know that a child has to deal with so many difficulties in life,
that the reality set so many limits to a person that perhaps he/she could never break away from it.

'What could I do to help?'
This question has been on my mind as I see more and more problems in the world we are living in.
Most of the time, I couldn't come up with anything concrete/ any real solutions.
I feel small and powerless.

I have been watching ABC's programme Extreme Home Makeover.
In each episode, the programme would build a new home and give many other things (like paying off the mortgage, providing full-ride scholarships, giving out new cars, paying off the medical bills, etc) to families in need.
All of those families are awesome people.
They do a lot and contribute so much to their community or country, using their own money on good deeds even when most of them live very very difficult lives.

From today's episode, I learnt a wonderful phrase: Lift As You Climb.
It doesn't matter if you are living a hard life, that you have your own troubles, because everyone has their own troubles.
But the point is: as you are climbing and growing, give a helping hand to others as well, help out.

Sometimes we feel powerless and small, we want to make a difference but we doubt our power and influence.
'Lift as you climb' is such a good reminder; keep going and change things little by little.

I have not seen those families for years now.
I don't know if their lives have changed or not.
I am not sure if God exists or if God listens to our prayers, but I do believe in the power of prayer.
Well, not exactly prayers, but good thoughts.
We, or at least I, might not be able to give them material assistance.
But there is one thing that all of us can do: Always remember them and try to help bit by bit

In this time of the year, when we give and say blessings to each other,
please also remember those who are struggling and fighting for their lives.
We might not even know these people in person, but please, keep them in your prayers or good thoughts.
If condition allows, turn good thoughts into good deeds as well.
Actions always always speak louder than words.

I hope they are having a warm Chinese New Year.
I hope the kids are alright, healthy and doing well in school.
I hope life is easier for them now.

Of course, my blessings go to you too, my dear readers.

Stay warm. (both physically and in heart)


P.S. Just updated my Tumblr! Haven't done so for a long time. Go check it out!

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