Sunday, January 29, 2012

Home Decor Ideas: Home Office

We have a long desk in the study room.
It is long enough for 3 people working together, with plenty of spaces between them.
But if I can re-furnish the study in any way I want, this is what it could be like:

1) Bright room.
Lighting is of utmost importance when it comes to home office decor.

2) A big desk, not a long one.
I like to lay and spread everything on the desk and still having them within an arm's reach when I work.
(which is why I am now surrounded by nearly 20 books and piles of paper)
Sometimes size does matter, the bigger the better, not the longer the better.
(Gosh! I didn't realize how dirty-minded it sounds, until I re-read the post!
Disclaimer: it's not a freudian slip.I was just thinking about desks. And I couldn't stop laughing now.)

3) Everything organized and filed. Everything labelled.
Don't think I can keep it that way for a very long time, but ideally I do want neatness and order.

4)  An entire wall of bookshelves, of course with books.
Reading and filling bookshelves are my obsessions. And they are good ones.

5) Little somethings to spice it up: glass bottles, small ceramic things I made, 
inspiration board with quotes I love, decoupage and collages I made,
framed pictures (or quotes!) and my own paintings on the wall.

Inspirations I found online:
Functional and practical, but the monotone makes it a little dull. I wouldn't paint a wall grey.
J'adore! Bright, a wall of bookshelves, huge storage spaces. The only thing is that I don't like sharing a desk.

Used to have the exact bookshelf on the right! Don't like the dark grey wall, even though the room overall is simple and gorgeous.

Love the wall! It'd be nice if the desk is bigger.

A pop of yellow! How nice this looks! But don't like the butterflies and I think I'd fall down that chair/ stool. And bigger desk please.
I would want this if I got married: being able to work together yet still able to focus because we couldn't see each other. But no grey wall please. And perhaps not those chairs too.
So vintage-y! Love the wood and combination of different textures!
C'est super! Among all the pictures, I like this best. So many of my favorite elements: beige, golden decor, pops of colors, turquoise, a comfortable chair, fashion magazines piled orderly. I really should arrange my fashion magazines that way! I wish the room is brighter, more art/deco displays/ bookshelves and a larger desk.

I have always wanted to display framed pictures that way.
Not really a home office, and not what I'd do in my place. But it's pretty. Kinda reminds me of Sherlock Holmes, the movie. Perhaps a detective/ serial killer/ spy/ an insane fan would have a room like this? Oh my thought just ruined the picture now!
Interesting, but I can already imagine myself sticking out my head to peep at the person sitting opposite to me. And making funny faces.

Dear readers, do you like the idea of a home office?
What is your ideal office like? Any must-haves?

Happy working!

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