Sunday, January 29, 2012

Guacamole, Galaxy Note and My Adorable Family

Last day of my holiday, but the start of something new: Parents working at home.
It's like every day is a holiday or a Sunday, because they are always here at home now.
It feels a bit awkward that my parents are always at home, but in a good way.

Even though we have a study room, we all prefer to work in the dining room, next to our open kitchen.
I am working on my final year project, a.k.a. 'my baby'.
My brother is doing his homework (at the last minute!) at the other end of the table.
My books and documents are on the other dining table.
My parents are in front of their desktops and laptops.

It feels awesome that we are all in the same area but each of us has plenty space (physically and psychologically) to focus on our own work.
I would describe such an experience as a 'comfortable silence'.

Then my dad pan-fried shrimps and made coffee (which my mum and I don't drink at all).
As we're all in the open kitchen and dining area, I got distracted by the aroma and the food itself.
Suddenly remembering that we have avocados, I made guacamole (the Mexican avocado dip).

This is my very first attempt to make guacamole!
I just 'improvised' and didn't even bother to find a recipe.
(Because my mum has been nagging me about the 3 ripe avocados...)
I don't know if this is really how guacamole is made.
Whatever, as long as the final product tastes good. And it does.

How I Made My Guacamole:
1) Chop 1 peeled tomato and 2 shallots into fine dices.
2) Mash 3 avocados into a paste. (Personal preference: I like to keep a bit of texture)
3) Add 2 or 3 teaspoons lemon juice to flavor and prevent the avocados from browning.
4) Season with pinches of salt and pepper.

And because of the guacamole I made, mum couldn't help but heated up tortilla wraps.
(She has a HUGE obsession over tortilla wraps, pita bread and kebab.
And blame it on the genes, I share similar tastes.)
So our afternoon snack is shrimps in tortilla wraps with guacamole.
Gosh, now that my parents are always home, how could I possibly lose weight?!

Then my parents got out for a walk.
When they came back, mom got her new Samsung Galaxy Note.
We always laugh at how 'technologically-disabled' my mum is.
So my dad decided to give her an 'upgrade'.
Now that my parents and my brother are all using touchscreen smart phones.
I became the only one who uses gadgets with buttons.
I became the 'IT-disabled' at home. (which is not true only true to a small extent)

Mom's new gadget brought us a lot of laughter and happiness, basically because my mum is still 'technologically-disabled', in a very funny way.
She yelled, 'I got email and I just checked it!'
Apparently she's proud of herself adapting to Android, which is so different from her usual Apple products.
The funny thing is the email itself, which says 'Welcome Back to Facebook!'
I guess a big part of her pride comes from FINALLY remembering the password for her facebook account.
We all laughed our heads off when she was there 'exploring the new world', with the assistance of my patient dad and young brother.

A lot of questions, screaming, and laughter.
I can't describe to you how adorable my family is and how blessed I feel. : )


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