Monday, April 2, 2012

Letter to My Baby

My project is my baby. I could not think of any better way of describing it.
Dear baby,
After all these months, finally you are born.
I have anticipated and imagined what you'll be like.
I have been worrying if I have provided you with enough attention and care.
I'm both excited and worried. 

I know you are not perfect. 
But like any proud parent, I think you are unique.
I'm proud of you.
You are like no other. 
You are mine.

I want to give you all I have, but I'm not perfect.
You might not be the best, but you are made with love.
At times I'm exhausted and frustrated, but no matter what, I love you.
My child, parents can do everything for their children. They make sacrifices without complaining.
Sometimes, mommy feel guilty about giving you all my attention while not giving enough attention to others that I love.
If I ever have a human child, I hope I won't be like that.

Child, my love, I hope I have given and nurtured you enough.
You are on your own now.
So, go on, kick ass and make your mommy proud. : )


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