Monday, February 6, 2012

On Happiness

It is raining outside.
Usually a rainy day would make me feel grey, but somehow today's rain calms me.
Perhaps what calms and soothes me is not the rain, but conversations, reflections and thoughts.
Even though this is my blog and everything is about me, I'd like to ask:

Dear readers, are you happy?

'Are you happy?'
A question that I find very difficult to answer, yet one that I like to ask and I always mean it when I ask it.
I don't ask it to everybody, but only to the ones I genuinely care about.

Sometimes I'd think that I don't have the right to be unhappy, comparing to those whose sufferings are simply unimaginable for me.
Well, being happy or not is a subjective feeling and there is no right or wrong when it comes to feelings, I understand that.
But as I compare, I see myself as some very lucky girl who just has no reason to grumble anymore.
Whenever I think of those who suffer so much and yet still fight so hard, all my sufferings suddenly become bearable and light.
No, I don't see myself as important or more capable, but to remember those who endure so much more than I do, that gives me incredible strength.

Thoughts on happiness
1) No one is responsible to make you happy. Not your family, friends and not even your spouse.
Only you yourself. (I have said this before, somewhere in this blog, I remember)
But of course, we often find happiness and joy from others.
The point is: don't take that for granted.

2) Having all the reasons to be happy doesn't make a person happy.
At the same time, unsatisfied with one's life doesn't disqualify one to be happy.
Happiness is more like a choice, than a portfolio of what you have and don't have.

3) It's not about what happens in your life, it's about how you deal with these things and what you make out of them.

4) We tend to focus on and enlarge our problem too much, to a point that we care too little about other's well-being.
Self-indulgence is not healthy.
Yet, to bring happiness for others is a daunting task.
So instead of happiness, I aspire to bring occasional sweetness to those around me, just to remind them that there are still something nice about life.
I don't want to start feeding you with cliches on how to be happy (take a look at the diagram above, its simplicity makes me smile), like 'stop comparing, count your blessings, be grateful and you'll be happy'.
These cliches exist for a reason, partly because it's true.
But then again, they are easier said than done, that's why we kinda hate them even though they have some truth.
For that reason, I find myself unsuitable to repeat cliche advices.
First, because I have no right to tell anyone how they should live their lives.
Second, simply because I am only human.
To be specific, a 22-year old naive young woman whose life seems smooth and lucky, thus whose opinions about life are simply negligible. (I guess that's how a lot of people, those who don't care to know me as a person, sees me, unfortunately)
Life is short, be happy.

And since happiness is subjective, it doesn't really matter what I say about happiness, especially when I'm just a random blogger out of the millions.
But I wish you all the best and all the happiness.
And I'd like to make a final point.
No matter what you are going through, be it happiness or sorrow, please keep this in mind:

This too shall pass. Yes, this too shall pass.


P.S. it's Chinese Valentine's Day today, just reminded by my mum.
Not important for me at all.

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