Friday, February 17, 2012

Coffee & Men, Tea & Women

A sexy line I came up with yesterday when I accidentally got dirty-minded:
How I like my coffee and men: Smells good, strong, steamy hot and keeps me up all night*.

*other than what you're thinking, talking, cuddling and movie-marathon are fantastic alternatives. ; )

Happy things of the day:
1) Coming up with a nice name for my baby (project) with my awesome prof.
Having a wonderful prof like him is such a HUGE (and rare!) blessing.
Apart from being knowledgeable and inspiring, he's also so nice, cool and fun to be with.

2) Sneaking out from a seminar for 'toilet break' with a friend and ended up helping ourselves at the refreshment corner with snacks and steamy hot cups of tea.
As a tea-lover, probably I should change the line above from 'coffee' to 'tea'.
I honestly feel that my cup of tea is more satisfying than listening to a diplomat talking about things that are pretty obvious.
Um...a nice hot cup of tea to freshen up, soooo good.

3) Having a minibus ride with my bf
Just couldn't get enough of seeing you, even if it's only a brief 30 mins in total.

4) Winning a prize from a lucky draw!
Alliance Francaise has this lucky draw thing that you just have to fill in your name and describe the movie (in English!). I was thinking 'I've never won anything, but let's just try one more time'
So....TA DA! I got 2 free tickets for a French movie 'La Délicatesse'!
It's not that I've won sth big like a lottery, but still, I'm happy. : )

1 thing I'm unhappy about myself:
Have always been reminding myself that to be a successful and respectable girl, I have to be responsible for myself and independent, especially in terms of work.
Shouldn't have asked my prof to hand in a form for me, even though he didn't seem to mind.
It's not about to whom I ask a favor (well, it does matter coz he's my prof!) but it's more about myself.
That I should be extra careful in what I do, so that people have no chance to find excuse to judge me as a woman or a person.
You know, when men ask someone to do sth for them, it's 'delegation of power'.
But when women do that, it's 'using/ maneuvering someone'. Kinda ridiculous, right?
Actually nothing big happened, no one said anything (except the admin staff) but I think it's such a good reminder for me that:
If I wanna be respected and successful, I have to be careful and work extra hard for it, compare to my male counterparts.
Never see that as a pressure for being a woman.
Step up, fight a good battle for yourself, and say 'Bring it on.'
: )


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