Saturday, February 18, 2012


Back from a gathering which lasted for around 3 hours. (!)
I wonder why I can talk to people I like for hours, on anything and everything, and feel like it's just 30 mins.
Yet 5 minutes with people I don't want to talk to (who kept talking to me...) feel like forever.
Now imagine 3 whole hours. 
I wouldn't say it's a waste of time, because I was there for my boyfriend who wants to expand our group of mutual friends.
His devotion and the fact that he takes our relationship so seriously touch me so much.
I am willing to be my best for him.

So, in the 3 whole hours: no sarcasm, no dismay, no any sign of uneasiness, didn't ask 'when are we leaving?', didn't say 'oh God', didn't roll my eyes.
Just smiles, listen attentively (at least I looked as if I am) and being friendly.
Alright, my dear readers! I heard a tiny voice in your mind saying 'hypocrite'!
I tried to be my best for him, that's it, whatever you say.

To be honest, I felt liberated to have survived the 3 hours. *clap clap*
From the moment I stepped out of the church building, I couldn't stop smiling and feeling so good that I kept on kissing my boyfriend as if we have never kissed before. 
Sense of liberation translated into passionate kisses and a whole lot of smiles and laughter, in the remaining of the night.
How nice is that! Thank God! Oops! : P

Well, actually it's not that bad because the whole night is basically just singing and sharing.
I deliberately turned off my brain or just let it wondered free.
It is probably the best move I made tonight. 
I don't wanna be sarcastic, judgmental, philosophical or curious in finding the answers for my doubts about religion.
I don't give a damn about religion now.
I found myself and inner peace, with lots of love, good will and positivity, not by any particular religion.

Lesson of the day: Being human doesn't mean you have to agree or conform. 
If it's what they wholeheartedly and happily believe in, and it's how they feel, I'm in no position to judge.
I don't have a faith in God like they do, but that doesn't disqualify me to be a good, loving person.
At least I tried to listen and understand as much as I could.

I believe in life, respect, gratitude, hope, humility, grace, dreams, trust, kindness, peace, gentleness, forgiveness, acceptance, understanding, wisdom, truth, equality, change, justice, the power of smiles, hugs and kisses, etc.
Among all things, love. 
Love as hard as I could--that's my religion.

Much love,

Couldn't turn my brain on fully, can't really do my French article or my baby project now...
Urgh! Hate being so unproductive! Maybe I should just go to bed early and wake up early tomorrow.
Goodnight & sweet dreams, my dear readers. Muah! 
Spread love : )

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