Thursday, May 10, 2012

Welcome to Adulthood

Well, I'm way old enough to be called an adult.
But university life is so carefree and happy that I panicked about today: my 1st day of work.
Nothing much, just a part-time job and today I'm only supposed to work for a couple of hours.

Still, I was being so miserable today that I tried all means and excuses to escape from it.
Believe me, I was really miserable and I have a witness to that.
I kept on listening to one song after another, packing or walking slower than a 90-year old lady, almost glued myself to the chair, refusing to go to work.
Not that I dislike the job, I chose to accept it.
Not that I'm such an idealist who thinks what I do now could change the world.
Probably I was miserable because I don't want my student life to end.
I miss classes. I miss lectures. I miss intensive reading. I miss writing. I miss the long chats.
I miss my day-offs. I miss procrastination, even though I shouldn't. I miss the people. 
I miss my withdrawing room. I miss the smell of it. I miss the 'spying'.
Never expect myself to miss university life this much, but now I can make a long list of things I will miss.

To put it simply: I have found my new comfort zone in life, this year particularly, and I'm scared to step out of it again.
I'm actually terrified.

Still, missing my university life is not a good enough reason to be so miserable towards my first day of work.
It is actually so not cool to be like that even on the 1st day, when I haven't even start working.
Not proud of that, bad example.

So I got back to my love-life-as-hard-as-possible attitude.
Well, I like that this is a challenging job and I'm given much responsibility and some freedom for individual work.
Surprised by the workload of my first day; made dozens of calls, sent about a dozen emails, did some translation and...I was already given a project to be in charge of!
I like challenges but I can't help but think of myself as: cheap labour.

Terribly exhausted when I got home, and it's just 4 or 5 hours of work!
Okay, okay. I know you all have busy lives and tiring job, so I'd better stop bitching about it.
Now I know why work rips people of their lives, their smiles, their creativity, their curiosity, their positivity and their happiness.
And I hope you (and me, also) try all your best to guard yourself from getting ruined by work.
Even though you're tired and there is still tons of never-ending work waiting for you, please don't see yourself as a slave. If you feel that way, you will really turn into a slave of it.

Excited about what the future unfolds.
A lot of challenges and crises, but also opportunities and blessings.
Stay positive and love life as hard as I possibly can.
Dear readers, let's try our best to enjoy our work, even though it's boring/tiring/too much of work/too challenging/low-paid etc.
I'm going to work hard and learn as much as I can, in this new workplace-not-school-anymore setting.
Remember: YOU are the boss of your work and career.


P.S. Something very awkward happened when I was doing groceries after work.
I thought this sort of thing only happens in the movies. Guess what happened. 

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