Friday, June 29, 2012

On Packing...Again

I know, I blogged about packing before, twice already.
Please bear with me, I'm just a pathetic woman who can never pack light. (and probably never will)

I think there is something very Freudian about my inability to pack light.
Just like my destructive obsession with tearing paper, which JUST worsened into cutting paper.
Okay, so now that you know I like to tear paper and I couldn't pack light.
I'm gonna admit to you that I find it pleasurable to stuff my luggages, which I think is related to the sense of security coming from material possessions.

Well yea, I'm quite a shopaholic so it's logical.
But then not all shopaholics can't pack.
It's just that I am...pathetically both.

Packing is a weird combination of pain and pleasure for me, in a sense.
All the headaches and nightmares from the mere thought of packing for a long trip.
And the pleasure from the fact that I'm going on a trip.

Since I couldn't pack myself, I am the last person that is eligible to write a tutorial on packing.
Seriously, even if I write one, it would be the least convincing tutorial.
And I don't like to lie to my dear readers. You.

So, probably right now, as I type, I have 20 dresses, 20 T-shirts, just 2 pair of jeans, 8 bras and 20 panties.
I guess also mismatching socks and shoes as well.
Oops! I forgot my accessories and bags.

I know, in general I overpacked. As always.
But you know what, I don't give a fuck now.

Traveling is like going on a rather-safe adventure.
It's all about being in a different place, with a different culture and discovering something new (whether it is about the place or the person him/herself).
And it is also about escaping from a place you know too well, taking a break from all the things and people that you are so familiar with that you find them to be goddamn dull and boring.

Well, since to travel is about stepping out of one's comfort zone, what's better than challenging myself with a funny combination of things I bring?

Good things about my inability to pack light:
1) Time to test my creativity and ability to improvise.
2) Learn to make good or the best use of what I have--an important life skill actually.

To be honest, I'm just trying to mask my pathetic packing skill.
But it is one of my imperfections that I'm okay with, I accept the fact that when it comes to packing, I totally suck.

By the way, wonder why I write a post about packing at 3am?
The truth is: I'm still packing!
Ok, my dear readers, I can already hear you laughing at me now. *blushing with embarrassment*
Sorry, I'm just a woman. :P


Upcoming post: Summer Destination No. 2

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