Saturday, June 16, 2012

Reminder to Graduates like Myself

Important thing comes first: Happy birthday to Kate!
Sweetie, I've known you for at least 7 years now.
I can't remember exactly which year...but I guess it doesn't really matter coz you know I love you. :)
Even though you and I are quite different in many ways, somehow we get along so well together, don't you think?
1) I'd say your fashion style is sweet & cute, using 'happy' pastel colours like pink, yellow, orange. But I'm the exact opposite, 'cute' is never the word for my style and I never wear pastel colored clothing (maybe just accessories).
2) You being the more 'submissive & gentle' one in a relationship while me being 'the extreme: either sweet or shit'.
If I were a chauvinistic guy, you are the perfect girl.
Girl, please stay with the good guys who treat you right and never go back to the bad guys. Promise?
If any bad guy appears and treat you bad again, I would literally fight and beat them up.
And next time if there is a man staring at you, stop being shy and don't stay quiet.
Just pretend that you were me and tell them 'fuck off' in their faces/ call the police.

We are so different but I'm so glad that our differences only add sparkles to our friendship.
Thanks for being such a great friend.
Hope you like what I made for you. Remember to stay pink!
I love it when you have this air of pink around you when you are so happy or being in love.
Babe, happy birthday & I love you. *hugs and kisses* :)

So to celebrate Kate's birthday, we went art jamming with a friend today.
Usually do my paintings at home, but I also enjoy painting sessions at studios.
Mostly because I don't have to wash the brushes and do the cleaning afterwards  really love to draw.

The idea of going to an art jam is a last-minute one, so I don't really have much time to think of what to draw. Just go through a few pictures for inspiration and then go with the flow.
But, isn't this the joy that art gives us? The joy of freedom and creativity.

So after 3 hours of being 100% focused, occasional chitchats with the girls, a bit of singing-along to the jazz music they played at the studio, 2 drinks and a bit of snacks, I turned a blank canvas into something like this:

Well, I rarely draw portraits of people because I cannot make proportions right, I can't draw hands and facial expressions are way too difficult for me.
Anyway, this is my attempt. At least she looks like a human being.
I don't have any training in painting but I enjoy it. 
That's what matters, isn't it?

And after I finished the whole thing, I looked at it and thought to myself, 'such a nice reminder. Could be a good graduation gift.'
Ok, so this is gonna be MY graduation gift to myself. And of course to all my graduating readers, if there is any.
Random fact about me being a woman: always find excuses to  pamper herself.

A girls' day out is always a good idea to relax and pamper myself.
Today being a good example. :)


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