Friday, August 31, 2012

The Fading Summer

Even though we are still in scorching heat, the summer is fading.
Am I the only one who think the summer trips ended too quickly and want to relive those carefree moments?
I am clinging to this fading summer, savouring the last little bits of days that are filled with laughter and replaying the sweet memories in my head.

Is there a word for this 'melancholy over the fading summer'? I want to know that word.

Saying goodbye to summer is particularly painful this year--my very last summer in which I can fill my schedule with things I love to do and people I love to spend time with.
I love going out with my friends, to little cafes or bars, hidden boutiques, etc.
I love spending time with my boyfriend and don't give a damn about what we do or where we are, as long as we are together.
I love staying home, making arts and little somethings, reading, decluttering and decorating, cooking and watching movies with my family.

I'm not ready to let go.
I'm not ready to move on.

Particularly when moving on means starting the depressing but unavoidable job search.
I have not started, but already I feel defeated--by not yet starting the job hunt, I already feel like I'm a piece of junk in this busy city.
I simply cannot imagine it, when someone told me, 'be prepared to send 150 resumes and getting no response.' or 'be ready that it might take you a year to land a job.'
The mere thought of making applications makes my heart paced, my head aches and stomach churns.

'Fear not, I have faith in you,' my mother said, as she gently stroke my hair.
As the summer goes, part of me fades along with it...


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