Friday, November 2, 2012

Being A Mean Girl on Halloween

How was Halloween, everyone?
I hope the hangover isn't that bad.
I didn't have plans for the night, so I guess that automatically means I picked 'trick' over 'treat'?!
Sure it was a trick when I spent the whole night in excruciating pain...
Anyway, I hope yours were much more pleasurable than mine.

Isn't it peculiar when people feast, drink and party on Halloween?
What exactly are they celebrating: life or death?
And why don't we have a festival to celebrate life--something like Easter but without the Christianity element?
Well, we need excuses to party and celebrate, that I understand.

When the title of this posts says 'mean girl', I didn't mean I was pretending to be one of the girls in the movie Mean Girls.
But this post has a lot to do with those type of girls depicted in the movie--girls who dress and act like sluts.

Halloween is such a peculiar festival.
As I grow up, I began to understand that Halloween is of particular importance to party girls and sluts.
You don't see guys putting that much of effort into dressing up.
Probably because they put most effort in hunting for girls, because on this particular day, some people get their wish granted--wearing the sluttiest outfits, the ones that they hide in the deepest corners of their closet and still getting tolerated.
Actually not just on Halloweens, think about those Christmas bunnies and Little Red Riding Hoods outfits!

Mean Girls the movie captured the essence of Halloween best, with the following quote:
'Halloween is when kids dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In girl world, Halloween is the one day in a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.'

Right on the spot!
They could wear their skimpy, tasteless sluttish outfits and still being tolerated.
And if men get a little too friendly, too close or touchy-feely, girls can always blame the guys by screaming 'pervert!' while stomping the men's feet with her killer heels.
Killer heels.
What a name!
Not only meaning that the heels kill with their sexiness but they have this name for a practical reason--they are a girl's best weapon, whether it's for self-defence or pure revenge or just to hurt.

Imagine being stomped on your toe (or worse, more important body parts) with that tiny but sharp heels...OUCH!
To make the weapons even more lethal, shoes these days are much higher. And uglier, so they hurt your eyes too!
Yes, I said it, they are ugly as hell.
I really don't care if other girls like it, the most important thing is that shops shouldn't let ugly shoes dominate.
Do you have ANY idea how damn difficult is it to buy a decent, nice pair of heels now?!

Sometimes I look at some girls feeling amazed by the diversity of sub-species in human beings.
Sometimes, with just one stare at them, I want to be a sociologist/anthropologist/ biologist:
1) Just where do they get the courage and pride to wear such outfits and think that they look attractive?
2) What is beautiful about sea-urchin-or--spider-like fake lashes, coloured contact lens, excessive lace and heels that look like moveable stage?

3) Do their eyes see things the same way other people do? Or special species like them see things differently?
4) Who is responsible for this 'standard of beauty'? Just who the fuck is he/she/are they start this? Fashion police should hunt those people down. What a crime!

Sea urchin and spider on her eye
Spider heels. This is REALLY scary.
Being a woman doesn't make me understand other women's thoughts and minds any better.
Okay, guys, I can hear your 'Uh-huh! you see?' and I see your nodding heads.
Yes, sometimes I just don't understand...

I'm not against dressing up or wearing costumes. Dress codes is one of the things I love the most.
Whenever I decide to wear a costume, it's either all or nothing.
Most girl don't put enough effort dressing up---a pair of animal ears or a fur ball on your butt and you call THAT a costume?!
Step it up, girls!

Girls, if you are DYING to show as much skin as possible and have your body be seen by as many as people possible, why bother to think of an outfit or a character to pretend and spend money on outfits that are made of cheap plastic?
You could just grab an apple, some leaves and you are ready to go--you are Eve!
After all, there's not much difference when you have more than half of your boobs out, forcing a cleavage up to your neck and your shirt is too short to even cover your ass.

Seriously, Eve is a much better idea.
It's refreshing, bold, daring, simple and cost effective.
I could really understand why men can find some women scary and appalling.
Poor men...

Okay, enough with me bitching about the bitches and witches on Halloween.
Something much nicer to share with you.

I know it's a little too late for Halloween costume ideas, but this vid is JUST too good not to be shared.
Ellen pretending to be Sofia Vergara.
Sofia Vergara is one of my favourite actresses.
She is sexy and hot but the BEST part is that she is so funny. Every time she appears on Modern Family, I can't help but smile the moment I see her.
And once she starts talking, I just burst into laughter, not to mention that her lines are usually clever.
What a fantastic woman she is--sexy, attractive, fun-loving, enjoys dancing and funny!

And Ellen, she did a great job pretending to be Sofia.
She's not bad in a wig, makeup and that 'feminine' outfit, actually better than her usual short hair!
Dear readers, enjoy.

Hope Halloween was a nice treat to all of you, especially for the little ones.
Don't eat too much candies, or else you will have a big bum like Ellen! :)


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